For my family to share our Bobbie. A lot about Bobbie and the other bits that make me smile.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 21

Dear Bobbie,

It feels like I have real butterflies fluttering around inside my belly. This has been the first week that I have been able to feel you constantly moving. Your daddy and I get such a buzz when he puts his hand on my stomach and feels you moving.

You sure must be getting bigger because it is getting harder to fit in to my favourite jeans – though I’m still determined to wear them until they don’t do up!

I can’t believe it’s only a little over 18 weeks and we’ll get to meet you. I can’t wait.

Love Me
Week 21 Bump Photo taken by Michelle Wallace


  1. oh 18 weeks is so soon and so far all at the same time!!!

    so cute!! where is it hiding in there?! hehe

  2. oh look ... your tummy is nearly as big as mine.... NEARLY.. maybe by 25 weeks...
